Locus Classes Launch New Batch For PGCIL JE Coaching In Delhi | pgcil je coaching | Join New batch For PGCIL JE Coaching in Delhi |
Recruitment of Trainee Engineer (Electrical)
POWERGRID, a Maharatna Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Power, Govt. of India and one of the largest Transmission Utilities in the World, is engaged in power transmission business with the mandate for planning, co-ordination, supervision and control over complete Inter-State Transmission System. POWERGRID operates around 1,78,195 circuit kms of transmission lines along with 279 Sub-stations (as on 30th September 2024) and wheels about 50% of total power generated in the country through its transmission network.
Post | Post ID | Total Vacancies | UR | EWS | OBC (NCL) | SC | ST | PwBD* | Ex- SM* | DEx- SM* |
Trainee Supervisor (Electrical) | 430 | 70 | 30 | 7 | 18 | 10 | 5 | 3 (HI-1; LD-1; ID-1) | 7 | 3 |
Reservation for Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD)
Candidates belonging to PwBD category other than the ones reserved, may also apply, provided they meet the eligibility criteria prescribed for their respective category. Candidates belonging to following identified sub-category shall only be eligible to apply:
PwBD Category | PwBD Sub-categories identified suitable |
(a) Hearing Impaired | Deaf, Hard of hearing |
(b) Locomotor Disability | One Arm, One Leg, Both Leg, One Arm and one Leg, Spinal Deformity C Spinal Injury (SI) without any associated neurological / limb dysfunction, Spinal Deformity (SD) and Spinal Injury (SI) with associated limb dysfunction, Cerebral Palsy, Leprosy Cured, Dwarfism, Acid Attack Victim |
(c) Intellectual Disabilities | Specific Learning Disability, Mental Illness |
(d) Multiple Disabilities | Multiple Disability Involving (a) to (c) above |
Post Name | Essential Qualification ** |
Trainee Supervisor (Electrical) | Full Time Regular Three Years Diploma in relevant discipline of engineering or equivalent* from recognized Technical Board/Institute with minimum 70% marks for General/ OBC (NCL)/ EWS Candidates and pass marks for SC/ST/PwBD. Higher technical qualification like B.Tech/BE/M.Tech/ME etc. with or without Diploma is not allowed. # *Equivalent Discipline: Electrical/ Electrical (Power)/ Electrical and Electronics/ Power Systems Engineering/ Power Engineering (Electrical) |
#At the time of application and at the time of joining, the candidate should not possess any B.Tech/BE/M.Tech/ME etc. with or without Diploma for the post of Trainee Supervisor (Electrical). **Qualification acquired through distance mode will not be considered. | |
Other Details: | |
Upper Age Limit | 27 years as on 06.11.2024 |
Pay Scale/ Designation | Selected candidates shall undergo training for a period of one year. They will be placed in the pay scale of Rs.24000-3%-108000/- (IDA) with a Basic Pay of Rs.24,000/-, IDA, HRA and Perks @ 12% of Basic Pay per month during training period. On successful completion of 1-year training, they will be placed as Sub Jr. Engr. at S0 level in the pay scale of Rs.24000-3%-108000/- (IDA). On regularization, Compensation package shall include Basic Pay, Dearness Allowance, Perquisites and Allowance as per cafeteria approach, Company Quarters or HRA, Location Based Compensatory Allowance (as applicable), Performance Related Pay, Terminal Benefits (Provident Fund, Gratuity, Pension, PRMB – Post Retirement Medical Benefits), EDLI, Group Insurance, Group Personal Accident Insurance, Reimbursement of Monthly Conveyance, Mobile & Digital Services, Leave encashment, TA/DA etc. PESL also offer excellent facilities like Short and Long-term Loans & Advances including Conveyance Advance, Multi-Purpose Advance, Medical facilities for self and dependents, etc. to its regular employees in accordance with the policies of the organization from time to time. |
Service Agreement Bond | The selected candidates on training will be required to execute a service agreement bond of Rs.2,50,000/- for General/ OBC (NCL)/ EWS candidates and Rs.1,25,000/- for SC/ ST/ PwBD candidates for serving the Corporation for a minimum period of three years after completion of training successfully. |
Application Fee | SC/ST/PwBD/Ex-SM candidates are exempted from payment of application fee. Candidates (Other than SC/ST/PwBD/Ex-SM) are required to pay non-refundable application fee of Rs. 300/-through online Payment Gateway during the application period. For detailed instructions regarding payment of the application fee, Click here: ( Candidates are advised to go through the instructions carefully and ensure payment of fees on time. |
- Reservation/ relaxation/ concession to OBC (NCL)/ EWS/ SC/ ST/ PwBD/ Ex – SM/ Victims of Riots shall be as per Government of India directives.
- Persons suffering from not less than 40% of the relevant disability shall only be eligible for the benefit under PwBD category. Persons claiming concessions/ relaxations/ reservation under PwBD category are required to upload their Disability certificate in the format prescribed by Government of India.
- Relaxation in Marks pertaining to essential qualification for SC/ST/PwBD/ Ex-SM candidates: Qualifying Marks in essential qualification is relaxed to pass marks for posts reserved for the respective category.
4. Relaxation in Upper Age Limit:
a) | For OBC(NCL) | 3 years (for the posts reserved for the respective category) |
b) | For SC/ ST | 5 years (for the posts reserved for the respective category) |
c) | For PwBD | 10 years over & above category relaxation |
d) | Ex-Servicemen | As per Govt. of India directives Ex-Servicemen with a minimum of six month’s continuous service are allowed relaxation to the extent of the period spent in service plus three years subject to the condition that the resultant age after deducting his period of service from his actual age does not exceed the prescribed age limit by more than three years. |
e) | Victims of riots | As per Govt. of India directives |
- Reservation/ Relaxation / Concession will be subject to:
a) | For EWS | Submission of a copy of the latest Income and Asset Certificate issued by a Competent Authority at time of application and interview, if called for. A candidate will be eligible to get the benefit of the Economically Weaker Section reservation only in case the candidate meets the criteria issued by the Central Government and is in possession of requisite Income & Asset Certificate based on income for Financial Year (FY) 2023-2024 and issued on/after 01.04.2024 (after the completion of FY 2023-24). |
b) | For OBC(NCL) | Submission of a copy of the latest OBC (NCL) certificate in the format prescribed by the Govt. of India for “Appointment to posts under Govt. of India” from a competent authority at the time of application and interview, if called for. The OBC candidates applying for the post must produce OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) certificate based on the income for the Financial Year (FY) 2021-2022, 2022-2023 and 2023- 2024 and issued on/after 01.04.2024 (after the completion of FY 2023-24). |
c) | For SC/ ST | Submission of relevant Caste Certificate in the prescribed format issued by a Competent Authority. |
d) | For PwD/PwBD | Submission of disability certificate in prescribed format issued by the Government Medical Board. |
e) | Ex-Servicemen | Submission of relevant Discharge certificate etc. in the prescribed format issued by a Competent Authority. Ex-Servicemen candidates whose experience of service in the Armed Forces has been equated by the Government of India with qualification prescribed in this advertisement, then the said experience shall be acceptable as an induction level qualification for the said post in this recruitment. The Ex-Servicemen candidate shall however have to produce certificate issued by respective Armed Forces stating that their experience/ training has been equated to or has equivalency of required level of qualification, failing which their candidature will not be considered. |
f) | Victims of riots | Submission of relevant Age relaxation cum Domicile certificate in the prescribed format issued by a Competent Authority. |
6. In case Caste/ Category certificate is issued in a language other than Hindi or English, candidates are advised to produce a certified translation of the same in either Hindi or English at the time of Document Verification, if called for.
- Wherever posts are not reserved for SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/EWS/PwBD, candidates belonging to such categories can apply subject to meeting the general standards of eligibility.
The selection process shall consist of Written Test / Computer Based Test (CBT) of eligible candidates, Computer Skill Test (CST) (wherever applicable) & Pre-Employment Medical Examination.
Selection Process | Trainee Supervisor (Electrical) | Written Test / Computer Based Test (100% weightage) | |
Written Test / Computer Based Test (CBT) | Admission to the Written Test/ CBT will be on production of Admit Card and Original ID Proof. Candidates have to download their Admit card through our application portal. Admit Card will not be sent by Post. | ||
Test Duration | 2 hrs. (Extra time allowed to PwD/ PwBD candidates as per GOI directives) | ||
Questions | Objective Type. Each question shall have four answer options.Part-I : 120 Questions [Technical Knowledge Test (TKT)] {will have questions from respective discipline} Part-II : 50 Questions [Aptitude Test (AT)] {will have questions on vocabulary, verbal comprehension, quantitative aptitude, reasoning ability, data sufficiency and interpretation, numerical ability etc.} Total : 170 QuestionsAll questions carry equal marks (1 mark)Wrong and multiple answers would result in negative marks of ¼. | ||
Test qualifying criteria | As per posts reserved for the respective category: | ||
Vacancy Reservation | Qualifying Criteria | ||
Unreserved Vacancies/ EWS | Minimum 30% in each Part-I & Part-II separately and Minimum 40% marks in aggregate | ||
Reserved Vacancies | Minimum 25% in each Part-I & Part-II separately and Minimum 30% marks in aggregate |

Interested and eligible candidates are advised to select one test center amongst the list of test centers mentioned below for a written test through Computer Based Test :
Delhi (NCR) | Kolkata | Guwahati | Bhubaneswar | Hyderabad |
Mumbai | Nagpur | Bhopal | Bangalore | Chennai |
POWERGRID reserves the right to alter the test centres. The decision of POWERGRID regarding test centres shall be final and binding. Efforts will be made to allot city for Computer Based Test to the candidates in order of the choice opted by them in their application. However, in exceptional circumstances, a nearby different city may be allotted.
It is mandatory that candidates go through the full text of the advertisement and agree to all the conditions given, while applying for the post.
- Computer Based Test of notified post shall be conducted on “Single Day, Single Session” at all Test Centres.
- Interested and eligible candidates should apply only through On-line Registration System of POWERGRID. To apply log on to à Careers Section à Job Opportunities à Openings à Regional Openings and then “Recruitment of Trainee Supervisor (Electrical)”. No other means / mode of application shall be accepted.
- Before registering and submitting their applications on the website, the candidate should possess a valid E-mail ID, Alternate E- mail ID and Mobile number. This is Mandatory. In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he / she should create his / her new email ID before applying online. These would be required for accessing information through candidate login during the later stages of the recruitment process. Candidates are advised to keep the Registration ID, e-mail ID and Mobile number entered in the online application form compulsorily active for at least one year.
- Candidates should submit only one application for a post. Application submitted may be edited/ updated till the last date of submission of online application. It cannot be altered after that. Accordingly, no request for change in applicant data after last date of submission of online application, shall be entertained. A valid e-mail ID is essential for submission of the online application. POWERGRID will not be responsible for bouncing of any e-mail sent to the candidates.
Candidates are advised to make a note of their Registration ID, e-mail ID, Mobile Number as entered in the application form and Application ID generated at the top right-hand corner of the ‘Resume’. These would be required for accessing information through candidate login during the later stages of the recruitment process.
- Candidates are advised to take a printout of the submitted online application, same is required at the time of Document Verification and note down the user ID and password generated at the time of online registration.
- Candidates are advised to upload legible copies of the following documents while submitting online application in the space earmarked in the online application. The candidates called for Document Verification are required to produce uploaded documents in original for verification: –
SN. | Document | Size (Max) | Format |
a) | Recent passport size color photograph (in white background) Candidates should keep sufficient copies of same photographs in reserve for future use, which they are using in the Online Registration. | 50 KB | .jpg |
b) | Signature (in Blue/ Black Ink) | 50 KB | .jpg |
c) | Date of Birth Proof: Matric / Birth Certificate (wherein DOB is mentioned) | 03 MB | |
d) | Qualification Certificate along with Mark Sheets of all years / semesters along with Proof of norms adopted by the Technical Board / Institute/ University to convert CGPA / OGPA / DGPA into percentage (if applicable) (all Qualification Certificate & Mark Sheets are required to be scanned in one pdf) | 10 MB | |
e) | Candidates working in Govt. / PSU are required to apply through the proper channel and need to upload “No-Objection Certificate” from the present employer | 03 MB | |
f) | Caste Certificate/EWS Certificate in the prescribed Govt. of India format issued by Competent Authority (if applicable) | 03 MB | |
g) | PwBD Certificate in the prescribed Govt. of India format issued by Competent Authority (if applicable) | 03 MB | |
h) | In case of requirement of scribe for PwBD/ PwD, Certificate in prescribed format issued by Competent Authority as per Govt. of India guidelines regarding physical limitation by the candidate to write. | 03 MB | |
i) | In case of requirement of scribe, scan copy of Photo ID proof of scribe. | 03 MB | |
j) | Ex-Serviceman Discharge Certificate, Undertaking and Proforma of Certificate for Employed Officials in case of Ex-Servicemen in the prescribed format (if applicable) | 03 MB | |
k) | Certificate of Fitness issued by the Demobilization Board of the Defense Service in case of Disabled Ex-Servicemen in the prescribed format (if applicable) | 03 MB | |
l) | Certificate issued to dependents Defence Services Personnel killed or severely disabled in action in case of Dependents of Ex-Servicemen in the prescribed format (if applicable) | 03 MB | |
m) | Domicile cum Age relaxation certificates for Candidates from Riots Victim in the prescribed Govt. of India format issued by Competent Authority (if applicable) | 01 MB |
- Candidates are not required to forward hard copy of application to POWERGRID.
- Candidates will have to bring these documents along with original for verification at the time of document verification / medical / joining, if called for.
1. Eligibility for Engagement of Scribes:
The Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) in the categories of Blindness (B), Locomotor Disability (Both Arm affected – BA) and Cerebral Palsy (CP) are allowed the facility of scribe, if desired by the person. In case of other category of Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD)/ Persons with Disabilities (PwD) as defined under section 2(r)/2(s) of the RPWD Act, 2016, the facility of scribe is allowed to such candidates on production of a certificate to the effect that the person concerned has physical limitation to write, and scribe is essential to write examination on behalf, from the Chief Medical Officer/ Civil Surgeon/ Medical Superintendent of a Government Health Care institution in the prescribed proforma.
2. Please note:
- Candidates who are eligible and interested in engagement of Scribe for the test are required to fill up the details of the Scribe in the application form itself.
- Candidates engaging scribes are also required to download and fill up the Scribe Declaration Form (available in
Important Formats Section) and bring the duly filled scribe declaration format at the examination venue.
- Compensatory / Extra Time: Candidates who are eligible for using a scribe shall be allowed for 20 minutes of Compensatory Time per hour of the examination.